
Unity in adversity : EU citizenship, social justice and the cautionary tale of the UK

Charlotte O'Brien ; : pb. -- Hart, 2020, c2017. -- (Modern studies in European law ; v. 80). <BB01622684>

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0001 : pb 文総合教育 総合教育
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No. 0001
巻号 : pb
所蔵館 文総合教育
配置場所 総合教育
請求記号 323.6/O13
資料ID 00029639259
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標題および責任表示 Unity in adversity : EU citizenship, social justice and the cautionary tale of the UK / Charlotte O'Brien
出版・頒布事項 Oxford : Hart , 2020, c2017
形態事項 xix, 279 p. : map ; 24 cm
巻次等 : pb
ISBN 9781509936953
書誌構造リンク Modern studies in European law <BB01054109> v. 80//a
注記 "First published in hardback, 2017. Paperback edition, 2020" -- T.p. verso
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
学情ID BC05075311
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *O'Brien, Charlotte <AU00756311>
分類標目 Constitutional & administrative law DC23:342.41083
分類標目 Relations of State to Individuals or Groups DC15:323.6
件名標目等 European Union -- Great Britain
件名標目等 Europeans -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Great Britain
件名標目等 Citizenship -- Great Britain
件名標目等 Citizenship -- European Union countries
件名標目等 Social legislation -- Great Britain
件名標目等 Social legislation -- European Union countries