
Homilies of Elfric : a supplementary collection, being twenty-one full homilies of his middle and later career for the most part not previously edited with some shorter pieces mainly passages added to the second and third series

edited from all the known manscripts with introduction, notes, Latin sources and a glossary by John C. Pope ; 1, 2. -- Oxford University Press for the Early English Text Society, 1967-1968. -- (Early English Text Society original series ; no. 259, 260). <BB00174344>

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0001 1 英文研究室 英文
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No. 0001
巻号 1
所蔵館 英文研究室
配置場所 英文
請求記号 829/E12
資料ID 00002827723
予約 0件
No. 0002
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所蔵館 英文研究室
配置場所 英文
請求記号 829/E12
資料ID 00002827715
予約 0件


標題および責任表示 Homilies of Elfric : a supplementary collection, being twenty-one full homilies of his middle and later career for the most part not previously edited with some shorter pieces mainly passages added to the second and third series / edited from all the known manscripts with introduction, notes, Latin sources and a glossary by John C. Pope
出版・頒布事項 London : Oxford University Press for the Early English Text Society , 1967-1968
形態事項 2 v. : fronts, plates (facsims.) ; 23 cm
巻次等 1
巻次等 2
書誌構造リンク Early English Text Society original series <BB01064326> no. 259, 260//a
注記 Includes bibliographical references
学情ID BA01581605
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham <AU00430239>
著者標目リンク Pope, John Collins, 1904- <AU00519223>
著者標目リンク Early English Text Society <AU00135452>
分類標目 Old English (Anglo-Saxon) Literature DC15:829
分類標目 LCC:PR119
件名標目等 Sermons, English (Old)