The troubadours from books.google.com
It is also in the troubadour song-books that the only substantial collection of medieval lyrics by women is preserved. This book offers a general introduction to the troubadours.
The troubadours from books.google.com
"The Music of the Troubadours is the first comprehensive critical study of the extant melodies of the troubadours of Occitania.
The troubadours from books.google.com
Originally published during the early part of the twentieth century, the Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature were designed to provide concise introductions to a broad range of topics.
The troubadours from books.google.com
This book is a reference volume and a digest of more than a century of scholarly work on troubadour poetry.
The troubadours from books.google.com
Published in 1984: These texts which have been little studied for their literary qualities represent a vital link between the didactic tradition of the Middle Ages and the fictional short stories of the Renaissance, such as the thirteenth ...