Social science & medicine from books.google.com
The central purpose of this book is to demonstrate the relevance of social science concepts, and the data derived from empirical research in those sciences, to problems in the clinical practice of medicine.
Social science & medicine from books.google.com
This is the first international and inter-disciplinary social science Handbook on health and medicine.
Social science & medicine from books.google.com
The aim of this annual series is to increase communication between health social scientists and to show how anthropology, sociology, psychology, geography, economics and political science, all contribute to our understanding of health and ...
Social science & medicine from books.google.com
Health Social Science: A Transdisciplinary and Complexity Perspective is an innovative text that defines and explains both the conceptual framework for transdiciplinary health research and its rationale, as well as presenting interesting ...
Social science & medicine from books.google.com
New to this Edition: - Increased emphasis on global perspectives and international examples - All existing chapters thoroughly updated - New chapters on globalisation and health, re-conceptualising bodies and digital health and health care ...
Social science & medicine from books.google.com
The essays in this volume explore the consequences of the interaction between medicine and social science by evaluating its significance for the moral and aterial role of medicine in modern societies.
Social science & medicine from books.google.com
This book examines the relationships of the social sciences to medicine and the health sciences.
Social science & medicine from books.google.com
The textbook opens with an introduction, describing the intersection of ethics and public health in clinical practice and the six key themes that inform the book's core learning objectives, followed by a guide to using the book.
Social science & medicine from books.google.com
This book consists of seven parts. Parts I and II deal with the cross-sectional dimensions of the infraorganismic, organismic, and supraorganismic organization of behavior.