Lease accounting and the cost of equity capital from books.google.com
This book brings together 360 views from the computation of the present value of lease liability, accounting, presentation, disclosures, taxation impact, subsequent modification and many more.
Lease accounting and the cost of equity capital from books.google.com
Consequently, I feel that this book is a helpful instrument for both theorists and practitioners confronted with the lease-or purchase decision.
Lease accounting and the cost of equity capital from books.google.com
Estimating the Cost of Capital Implied by Market Prices and Accounting Data focuses on estimating the expected rate of return implied by market prices, summary accounting numbers, and forecasts of earnings and dividends.
Lease accounting and the cost of equity capital from books.google.com
Incorporating the latest accounting standards and presenting the most up-to-date accounting theory from the top academic journals in accounting and finance throughout the world.
Lease accounting and the cost of equity capital from books.google.com
This volume is a well-researched reference publication with a balanced approach, and its objective is to provide material in a single resource that reflects the issues, alternatives and framework.