Historical materialism : research in critical marxist theory from books.google.com
Critical theorist Aronowitz (sociology, CUNY) contends that the centrality of cultural categories, as raised by the feminist, ecology, and racial freedom movements, among others, provides the crucial difference for the late industrial world ...
Historical materialism : research in critical marxist theory from books.google.com
Aronowitz has written a stunning book offering an approach towards a new way of thinking about these problems, a book which will be addressed by other Marxist scholars and by students of social and cultural theory in many disciplines.
Historical materialism : research in critical marxist theory from books.google.com
Drawing on the rich recent season of Gramscian philological studies, this book offers a reconsideration of Gramsci's theory of the state and concept of philosophy, arguing that a renewal of the 'philosophy of praxis' constitutes a necessary ...
Historical materialism : research in critical marxist theory from books.google.com
International and interdisciplinary in range and scope, the "Critical Companion to Contemporary Marxism" provides a thorough and precise panorama of recent developments in Marxist theory in the US, Europe and beyond.