European sociological review from books.google.com
The Routledge Handbook of European Sociology explores the main aspects of the work and scholarship of European sociologists during the last sixty years (1950-2010), a period that has shaped the methods and identity of the sociological craft ...
European sociological review from books.google.com
Exploring the Sociology of Europe: • clearly maps this new and emerging field • challenges and renews the sociological analysis of European modernity • provides an understanding of Europe as an historical, social and civil complex • ...
European sociological review from books.google.com
Combining a detailed analysis of the institutional structure of social policy with the study of public attitudes toward healthcare, family policy, and benefits for the unemployed and poor, this book represents a new stream in public opinion ...
European sociological review from books.google.com
Social Mobility in Europe is the most comprehensive study to date of trends in intergenerational social mobility.
European sociological review from books.google.com
This timely volume introduces a new social class schema, the European Socio-economic Classification (ESeC), which has been specifically developed and tested for use in EU comparative research.
European sociological review from books.google.com
Grounded on extensive empirical research conducted in many EU countries and in the European Commission’s administration over twenty years, the book provides a cultural analysis of welfare systems in Europe.
European sociological review from books.google.com
This book, by Sonja Zmerli and Marc Hooghe, presents cutting-edge empirical research on political trust as a relational concept. From a European comparative perspective it addresses a broad range of contested issues.
European sociological review from books.google.com
No detailed description available for "Sociology in Europe".
European sociological review from books.google.com
Looking to unify increasingly disparate areas of theory and research, John Goldthorpe presents a new mainstream, combining the demonstrated strengths of large-scale quantitative research and the explanatory power of social action theory.