Economic surveys by the OECD. Yugoslavia from books.google.com
OECD's 1966 Economic Survey of Yugoslavia examiens the 1965 reforms and short-term economic trends and prospects and draws a series of conclusions.
Economic surveys by the OECD. Yugoslavia from books.google.com
OECD's 1967 Economic Survey of Yugoslavia examines implementation of recent measures and recent trends in the economy and draws a series of conclusions.
Economic surveys by the OECD. Yugoslavia from books.google.com
OECD's 1962 Economic Survey of Yugoslavia covers structure and growth; institutional aspects including decentralisation, economic planning, and plan implementation; and the present situation and prospects.
Economic surveys by the OECD. Yugoslavia from books.google.com
OECD's 1969 Economic Survey of Yugoslavia examines recent economic developments, trends, and prospects before drawing a series of conclusions.
Economic surveys by the OECD. Yugoslavia from books.google.com
OECD's 1965 Economic Survey of Yugoslavia examines recent trends and prospects, problems of short-term economic policy, and structural issues and draws a series of conclusions.
Economic surveys by the OECD. Yugoslavia from books.google.com
OECD's 2002 Economic Survey of Yugoslavia looks at the recent economic deline, macroeconomic performance and policy, small business and entrepreneurship, the enterprise sector and privatisation, and trade and competitiveness.
Economic surveys by the OECD. Yugoslavia from books.google.com
OECD's 1963 Economic Survey of Yugoslavia covers recent economic developments, the general problem of the short-term equilibrium of the Yugoslav economy, and institutional and structural problems. It closes with a series of conclusions.
Economic surveys by the OECD. Yugoslavia from books.google.com
OECD's 1964 Economic Survey of Yugoslavia examines the economic situation in 1963, economic policy, the prospects for 1964, and the 1964-70 plan and structural problems and draws a series of conclusions.