臨床哲学 = Clinical philosophy from books.google.com
Over a period of a year, the symposium on clinical judgment has taken shape as a volume devoted to the analysis of how knowledge claims are framed in medicine and how choices of treatment are made.
臨床哲学 = Clinical philosophy from books.google.com
... 臨床哲学・応用倫理・公共哲学ひるがえって価値や規範の問題を正面から取り上げるべき(と部外者からは考えられている)哲学や ... ( clinical philosophy )とは,「もっと問題発生の現場に即応した哲学の語り口を探ろう」という川本隆史の問題提起に応えるもの ...
臨床哲学 = Clinical philosophy from books.google.com
... 臨床哲学・応用倫理・公共哲学ひるがえって価値や規範の問題を正面から取り上げるべき(と部外者からは考えられている)哲学や ... ( clinical philosophy )とは,「もっと問題発生の現場に即応した哲学の語り口を探ろう」という川本隆史の問題提起に応えるもの ...
臨床哲学 = Clinical philosophy from books.google.com
なぜ「臨床哲学」というまったく新しい学問の試みが、あたかも既成の学問を内から食い破るかのように、期せずして精神病理学と哲学に同時に生み出されていったのか。多様な ...
臨床哲学 = Clinical philosophy from books.google.com
Over a period of a year, the symposium on clinical judgment has taken shape as a volume devoted to the analysis of how knowledge claims are framed in medicine and how choices of treatment are made.
臨床哲学 = Clinical philosophy from books.google.com
This collection of articles honors the work of Richard Zaner, a distinguished philosopher who has worked for over twenty years as an ethics consultant at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
臨床哲学 = Clinical philosophy from books.google.com
In this bold and timely book, Hillel D. Braude marshals his dual training as a physician and philosopher to examine the place of intuition in medicine.
臨床哲学 = Clinical philosophy from books.google.com