欧洲中国学 = China studies in Europe from books.google.com
本书是中国社会科学院文献信息中心多位科研人员及部分院外专家广泛搜集资料, 深入研究的成果.书中对欧洲中国学的历史, 研究现状, 研究学者, 教学与研究机构等进行了介绍.
欧洲中国学 = China studies in Europe from books.google.com
书名原文:L'Europe Chinoise
欧洲中国学 = China studies in Europe from books.google.com
欧洲中国学 = China studies in Europe from books.google.com
欧洲中国学 = China studies in Europe from books.google.com
China-Europe Relations takes an innovative and insightful look at this phenomenon, examining: the state of Chinese studies in Europe and European studies in China the decision-making behind the EU’s China policy, and what the Chinese ...
欧洲中国学 = China studies in Europe from books.google.com
EUROPEAN STUDIES: An Interdisciplinary Series in European Culture, History and Politics -- Contents -- Authors in this Volume -- Introduction -- THE CONTEXT OF EU-CHINA RELATIONS AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS DILEMMA -- Eu-China Relations: ...
欧洲中国学 = China studies in Europe from books.google.com
In this book an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars from Europe, China, the USA, Russia, and Australia investigate how academic mobility and cooperation is taking shape along the New Silk Road and what difference it will ...
欧洲中国学 = China studies in Europe from books.google.com
... 学的影响。近年来,俄藏中亚文献全面开发,欧美、中国学者与之合作,大量资料发表出来,但整理和研究尚需时日。[1]戴仁(J.-P. Drège)《欧洲的敦煌研究》(Tun-huang Studies in Europe),《欧洲研究中国:欧洲汉学史国际学术研讨会论文集》(Europe Studies China ...