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... (アジア遊学 Intriguing Asia) 9 (1999): 12–32. Daniels, Christian. “The Formation of Tai Polities between the 13th and 16th Centuries: The Role of Technological Transfer.” Tokyo: The Memoirs of the Toyo Bunko 58 (2000a): 51–98. Daniels ...
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... Intriguing Asia Ajia yigaku アジア遊学, no . 18 , Sösen no sekai Higashi Ajia no kokusai tsika 宋銭の世界一東アジアの国際通貨, 2000 ) , pp . 53-62 . - One of the reasons why Song officials were poor is because they had a large number of ...
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... アジア遊学[Intriguing Asia] 93 (2006): 139–48; and Takatsu Takashi, Chūgoku no shomotsu to insatsu 中國の書物と印刷 ... Asian republic of letters. The text of Zhangwuzhi circulated widely in manuscript form among connoisseurs and ...
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... Intriguing Asia アジア遊学, 48:4–13. Lin, Mosei. (1929) Public Education in Formosa Under the Japanese Administration: Historical and Analytical Study of the Development and the Cultural Problems. New York: Columbia University Doctoral ...
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... 平成十一年十月七日第三種郵便物認可月 116 アジア遊学 1 二〇〇八年一一月二〇日発行(毎月一回二〇日発行)第一一六号円 + 税定価 2000E 9784585104131 C1390 ISBN978-4-585-10413-1 1921390020005 勉誠出版 116 ASIA Intriguing アジア遊学.
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... TOKYO 101-0051. 平成十一年十月七日第三種郵便物認可アジア遊学 11 二〇〇八年一二月二〇日発行(毎月一回二〇日発行)第一一七号円 + 税定価 2000E 9784585104148 C1336 ISBN978-4-585-10414-8 1921336020007 勉誠出版 117 ASIA Intriguing 遊学アジア.
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... TOKYO 101-0051. 平成十一年十月七日第三種郵便物認可アジア遊学的に、○○八年一〇月三〇日発行(毎月一回二〇日発行)第一一五号円 + 税 C1320 定価 9784585104124 ISBN978-4-585-10412-4 誠出版 1921320020006 勉遊学 2000E 115 Intriguing ASIA アジア.
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... アジア遊学 Intriguing ASIA 〒101-0051 千代田区神田神保町 2-20-6 Tel.03-5215-9021 Fax . 03-5215-9025 勉誠出版 URL http://www.bensey.co.jp/ E - mail bensey@bensey.co.jp 表示価税込 人民中国定価 400 円(税込) /年間 雕龍--古籍全文検索叢書 ...