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The "Divine Comedy" was entitled by Dante himself merely "Commedia," meaning a poetic composition in a style intermediate between the sustained nobility of tragedy, and the popular tone of elegy.
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"Plutarch's Lives, written at the beginning of the second century A.D., is a social history of the ancient world by one of the greatest biographers and moralists of all time.
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A retelling of Homer's account of the Trojan War, and of the story of Odysseus' adventures on his homeward voyage.
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"The Six Enneads ... is the collection of writings of Plotinus, edited and compiled by his student Porphyry (c. 270 AD). Plotinus was a student of Ammonius Saccas and they were founders of Neoplatonism.
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Looking for adventure and a new life, Ishmael, the story's narrator, decides to find work on a whaling boat.