Chuo University Library


ウェブスター著 ; 厨川圭子訳 ; [正], 続. -- 角川書店, 1955.10-1959.11. -- (角川文庫 ; 1300, 1849). <BB00114706>

HoldingsList 1-2 of about 2

No. Volumes CL Library Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date Reservation
0001 [正] Central Lib. Stacks_ Small
933/W52 00023356116 0items
0002 Central Lib. Stacks_ Small
933/W52 00027582337 0items
No. 0001
Volumes [正]
Library Central Lib.
Location Stacks_ Small
Call No 933/W52
Material ID 00023356116
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Library Central Lib.
Location Stacks_ Small
Call No 933/W52
Material ID 00027582337
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area あしながおじさん / ウェブスター著 ; 厨川圭子訳
アシナガ オジサン
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 角川書店 , 1955.10-1959.11
physical description area 2冊 ; 15cm
Volume Information
volumes [正]
ISBN 4042145019
Volume Information
parent bibliography link 角川文庫||カドカワ ブンコ <BB00812211> 1300, 1849//a
variant titles 原タイトル:Daddy long-legs
note 続の訳者: 村岡花子, 町田日出子
NCID BN11376590
text language code Japanese
author link Webster, Jean, 1876-1916 <AU00383438>
author link 厨川, 圭子(1924-)||クリヤガワ, ケイコ <AU00305392>
author link 村岡, 花子(1893-)||ムラオカ, ハナコ <AU00079721>
author link 町田, 日出子
マチダ, ヒデコ <>
classification Fiction NDC6:933
classification Fiction NDC7:933